Midges can be nuisances to deal with. Non-biting midges can be the reason for blockage in air and water systems while biting midges cause discomfort through their bites.
To determine the best way to avoid or exterminate these pests, as well as protect yourself from them, an understanding of their reproductive cycle may be helpful.
Consider for a moment the midge fly life cycle.
The Midge Fly Life Cycle
Both biting and non-biting midges are holometabolous insects. This means that growing into adulthood entails undergoing complete metamorphosis. Given this, the midge fly life cycle consists of four stages.
First, midge fly eggs are laid in an aquatic or semi-aquatic environment. Some common examples of such habitats are lakes, ponds, wet mud, and moist tree detritus.
Depending on the species, as well as the climate and weather conditions, eggs may take anywhere from 24 hours to 10 days to hatch.
Upon hatching, the midge larvae then burrow or sink further into their habitat substrate. Again, the length of this phase depends on biological and environmental factors. It can range from two weeks to as long as 9 months (or more!) in colder climes.
The final stage, adulthood, is often extremely short, averaging 1-2 days—just enough to reproduce and begin the midge fly life cycle all over again.
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